Monday, 3rd February 2025
​​‘Middle Park + Albert Park in the 1920s -
One Working-Class Girl’s Life, Love and Job Trajectory’
Presented by
Lesleyanne Hawthorne
Emeritus Professor at the University of Melbourne
Lesleyanne Hawthorne’s family reached Port Melbourne in 1841. They settled in Albert Park and Middle Park, employed in local industries ranging from licensee of the Pier Hotel in the 1840s, to wharf labouring and factory work in Dunlop Rubber. In contrast to her parents’ generation, Lesleyanne had the opportunity of a good education. She is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Melbourne, and a widely published global migration expert. Tonight’s presentation however is highly personal, based on her mother’s account of being a teenager in the two villages.

Venue: Middle Park Primary School
​From Richardson Street enter the school via the gate between the Infant School on the left and the Main School on the right. Then turn right to look for the door to the side of the main building. Look for our sign to point the way.